Our Managed Funds

Great things are made possible in Northfield because of the generosity of our community members.
Join them in supporting the causes that are important to you.

Bill Clifford

Bill Clifford Family Legacy Fund

Helping young people succeed


Don and Marjorie Tarr Community & Operating Funds

Unrestricted funds to support the needs of the Northfield community, and to support the operation of Northfield Shares Community Foundation

Eleanor fund

Eleanor A. Salisbury Teaching Scholarship

Provides annual scholarships to Northfield High School graduate(s) who will be pursuing a teaching degree.



Provides opportunities for young women from Northfield to grow in confidence, courage and character through sport and adventure.


Engeseth-Rinde Restoration Fund

Supports restoration, research, cultivation of trees, and education activities on the​ ​Prairie​ ​Creek​ ​Wildlife​ ​Management Area.

environmental fund

Environmental Sustainability Fund

Supports local projects that help address climate issues and reduce greenhouse gasses.


Helen V. Woehrlin Fund

Provides annual funding to nonprofit organizations in Northfield.

northfield funds

Grace Whittier Fund

Provides annual grants for youth recreational activities in Northfield.

Human Services Assistance Fund

Provides financial assistance to help members of the Northfield community with expenses related to food, housing, health care, education, and transportation.

marston and dorothy fund

Marston Headley and Dorothy Stone Headley Fund

Unrestricted funds to support the needs of the Northfield Community

nutting beautification fund

Nutting Beautification Fund

Provides funding to enhance the aesthetics of Northfield, particularly through flowers, plantings, gardens and parks.

northfield funds

Nutting Family Fund

Unrestricted funds to support the needs of the Northfield Community

pat lamb

Pat Lamb and Ele Hansen Charitable Fund

Provides annual grants to nine Northfield nonprofit organizations: FiftyNorth, WINGS, St. Dominic’s School, St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, Community Action Center of Northfield, Northfield Public Library, Independent School District 659, and Northfield Area YMCA.

northfield funds

The Salvatierra Fund for Justice

Supports community organizations and community-led efforts that seek fair access to healthy food and dignified affordable housing.

street fund

Street Family Fund

Unrestricted funds to support the needs of the Northfield Community

Riki Arts Fund

The Riki Arts Foundation

Provides meaningful opportunities to explore artistic growth for those facing economic and physical challenges through one-on-one tutoring, classes and workshops. Scholarships and small grants available.

barbara and will

Robert & Barbara Will Fund

Provides unrestricted support to the community.

Koester Prairie Fund

Protects and enhances the Koester Prairie Unit of Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area

peilin fund

Edith M. Peilen & Tom B. Peilen Charitable Fund

Improves the lives of individuals and caregivers across the world who have been impacted by multiple sclerosis (MS)

Cora Fund

Cora Scholz

Supports the Northfield Youth Choirs (NYC) in perpetuity

anne mayer fund

Anne B. Mayer Fund for Music

Supports music-related activities and opportunities that enrich the Northfield community, fostering a vibrant musical culture for people of all ages.  

northfield shares community fund

Northfield Shares Community Fund

An unrestricted fund will support the vibrancy and vitality of our community in perpetuity. Everyone is invited to contribute to this fund.

northfield funds

Pasha Kay Scholarship Fund

Supporting well-rounded Northfield High School graduates, especially girls, who demonstrate academic achievement, community involvement, and strong personal character as they pursue a four-year college education.