Nutting Beautification Fund

Butterfly Pollinator Garden

Butterfly Pollinator Garden

Ruth Nutting designated a portion of her gift to establish a Beautification Fund to enhance the aesthetics of Northfield. Northfield Shares honors her wishes each year by granting funds for the purpose of beautifying Northfield.

Since 2017, the Beautification Fund has distributed $79,975 toward beautification projects in our Northfield community. Thanks to Ruth, the foundation has been able to partner with the Northfield Rotary Club to install a garden at the soccer complex in Ruth’s honor, the Garden Club to provide beautiful plantings on Bridge Square and around town, the Cannon River Watershed Partnership to plant a rain garden in Way Park, the friends of Lashbrook Park to regenerate prairie plantings, Northfield in Bloom to create pollinator gardens near Riverside Park, and the Northfield Retirement Community to build the Pathways of Faith Park, which is open to the community.

Thank you, Ruth, for helping to make our community beautiful!

Dragonfly Pollinator Garden

Dragonfly Pollinator Garden