
National Volunteer Recognition Week is April 18-24th and now more than ever, we want to encourage thanking and showing appreciation to the volunteers in your organization.  Northfield Shares is your partner in promoting, recruiting and retaining volunteers. We are offering a few ideas for showing...

While 2020 caused many volunteer opportunities to cease, one local organization, Project Friendship, had the opposite happen.  Their mentor/mentee relationship numbers grew!  For the first time ever mentors and mentees were able to meet from wherever they were in the world.  When mentors were sent home...

Rice County Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building affordable housing for people in need since 1991.  Habitat brings together volunteers and Partner Families to build not only homes, but communities.  Habitat’s combination of volunteer power, financing and financial contributions, services for...

[caption id="attachment_5719" align="alignright" width="223"] Ann Dybvik[/caption] Volunteers play a significant role in programming and outreach at the Northfield Public Library.  From cleaning books to organizing events to helping with programming, volunteers at the library are important.  Volunteer Ann Dybvik assists in promoting library programs by distributing...