Activating Generosity
At Northfield Shares, we believe everyone can be generous. But there is no one-size fits all to charitable giving – of time, talent and treasures. This is where Our Community Foundation comes in. We can guide individuals and families in a personal philanthropic journey based on values. As a trusted partner and advisor, Northfield Shares can help you structure your giving in a way that expresses your aspirations for Northfield’s future.
Think of our community foundation like a bank for philanthropy. We hold a variety of funds (accounts at the bank) for the short or long term and then redistribute those funds according to the greatest need and/or donors’ wishes. Simply put, a fund is a bucket filled with charitable resources. The donor, or donor family, chooses the bucket’s depth, color, contents, and how often it is poured. In other words, you choose how your fund is structured. It can be permanently endowed, meaning that it will be invested to last forever and only accumulated interest will be spent annually. A fund can be time-limited, designed to give all its assets in a condensed period of time. Funds can be restricted based on donor’s preferences, such as youth, the environment, literacy, arts and culture or other charitable causes. Alternatively, unrestricted funds support the greatest needs in the community as needs evolve and change.
There are many tools available to donors. Northfield Shares staff is here to help turn your generosity into the greatest good for our community.