Author: Carrie Carroll

Your generosity: now and forever Every donation, regardless of the amount, is a valuable gift because it’s an investment in making our community the best it can be. In fact, our Foundation assets consist of many smaller funds. When gifts of all sizes are pooled together...

At Northfield Shares, we believe everyone can be generous.  But there is no one-size fits all to charitable giving -  of  time, talent and treasures. This is where Our Community Foundation comes in. We can guide individuals and families in a personal philanthropic journey based...

Northfielder Bonnie Humke was looking for something constructive and helpful to do during the pandemic months and wanted a way to reach out to those who were not able to see in person.   As a young teen, Bonnie experienced firsthand what it was like to be...

The conversation began with “How can we help the Community Action Center?”  Now, more than 15 months later, this one question has led to numerous ideas, opportunities, and connections.The Community Action Center of Northfield works with countless volunteers who assist the Food Shelf with food...