Types of Funds

Explore Our Fund Options

Funds can be named after a person, family or something that is of significance to you. Donors may also choose to remain anonymous. New funds of any type require an initial investment of $10,000 or more.

Smaller contributions can be made to existing funds or the Northfield Shares Operating Fund.

Impact Fund:

Creating an unrestricted fund gives Northfield Shares financial flexibility to meet the needs of the Northfield community and make investments that will create a lasting impact for those that live and work here. These types of funds, managed by Northfield Shares, are endowments, meaning the principal is retained and only the interest or earnings are spent. This means your gift will continue to make a difference for generations to come.

Donor-Designated Fund:

Donor-designated funds are also endowments, managed by Northfield Shares. The difference is that, at the time the fund is established, you choose the particular organization(s) or type(s) of organization(s) the fund benefits. Northfield Shares invests the money and distributes the income to your chosen beneficiaries in the form of annual grants.

Donor Advised Fund:

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a simple way for you to organize and execute your regular charitable giving. You set up an account with Northfield Shares. You deposit funds into the account, receive maximum tax benefits and then direct how and when those funds are distributed within the community. It’s a little like having a private or family foundation, but Northfield Shares manages all of the administrative tasks for you.

Start Giving Back Today

Discuss which type of fund meets your financial needs and your philanthropic goals.