2024-25 Grant Recipients:
- A Great Day Farm: Offering therapeutic agricultural experiences to individuals with disabilities, promoting inclusion and personal growth.
- Clean River Partners: Building environmental, personal, and community health through volunteerism.
- Community Action Center: Supporting the creation of a Youth Emergency Shelter in Northfield, the Youth Sports Collaborative offering sports scholarship dollars for children and families in need, and supporting Operation Backpack.
- Dakota Prairie ABE: Opening digital doors for adult learners by purchasing and updating technology.
- EmpowHER: Advancing gender equity by equipping women and youth in Northfield with resources and leadership development opportunities.
- FiftyNorth: Designated funds providing operational support for senior programming.
- Friends of Prairie Creek: Providing land restoration to control invasive species at Engeseth Rinde and Koester Prairie Land.
- HealthFinders Collaborative: Expanding behavior health services in the Northfield Area.
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Restoring natural spaces from cropland to its native prairie ecosystem and supporting local environmental education initiatives to benefit future generations.
- Northfield Public Library: Designated funds to support youth programs.
- Northfield Public Schools for Scholarships: Opening doors to higher education for local students through scholarships that help them pursue their academic dreams as educators.
- Northfield Rotary for Rice County assisting Rice County Habitat for Humanity: Assisting 50 low-income homeowners to undergo energy audits and performing weatherization on qualified homes.
- Northfield Union of Youth (The Key): Creating a welcoming space for local teens to connect and thrive, including family meals and youth development initiatives.
- Northfield Area Family YMCA: Designated funds for operational support.
- Riverwalk Market Fair: Expanding food accessibility through Farmers’ Markets on Northfield’s north side.
- St. Dominic Church: Designated funds providing discretionary support.
- St. Dominic School: Designated funds to support the school’s endowment.
- This Is Me: Supporting foster children in developing their identities, empowering them with tools for self-discovery and confidence.
- TORCH (Tackling Obstacles and Raising College Hopes): Fostering educational success and college readiness among immigrant and underrepresented youth in Northfield.
- Women in Northfield Giving Support (WINGS): Designated funds providing operational support.